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(Companies or Candidates)

Effective June 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023

Is your company, or even a client, hiring?

Do you know a business that is in need of exceptional talent?

Do you know individuals that are actively, or even passively, looking for the first or next step in their career?

Starting Monday, January 4th through Wednesday, March 31st you are eligible to receive a Double Referral Bonus (no limit to how many you can refer) details below.

Terms & Conditions

Refer a candidate -If your referral is placed at a client of Market Source Network, LLC, you will receive a One Time - Double Referral Bonus after they have successfully completed their first 90 days of employment.

Refer a company -If Market Source Network, LLC enters into a contract with your referred company and successfully fills an open will receive a One Time - Double Referral Bonus after the candidate has successfully completed their first 90 days of employment.

To qualify for the Referral Payment

Referred candidates MUST be submitted along with their current resume to TalentAdvisor@marketsourcenetwork.comSubject line as follows: Candidate's Full Name + Referred by: Your Full NameSubmissions are time stamped, and in the case of a duplicate submission, Market Source Network, LLC will recognize the first submission as the official Referrer.

Referred companies MUST be submitted directly to me at mmurphy@marketsourcenetwork.comSubject line as follows: REFERRAL - Company full name, City & State. In the body of the email, please provide a contact name, title, email & phone well as details of the referred company...such as:

This is my employer

This is a client of my employer

This is a friend's business

I interviewed at this company (provide position in this instance)


The Referral Bonus amount will be based upon multiple criteria and can range anywhere from $200 - $2,000. Please contact me directly for specific details. Referral Bonuses are subject to taxation and is the responsibility of the referrer.

We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate against protected characteristics. We guarantee that all candidates will be given the same consideration and will pass through our established procedures.

DISCLAIMER: There is no limit to the number of referrals you can submit. Please remember that submitting a referral does not entitle you to receive the Referral Bonus...see Terms & Conditions above for full details.

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